Chick Hatching Package
The Little Peeps Chick Hatching Package includes the following for a 5-week rental term:
Premium IncuView Clear-top Incubator with Countdown Hatch Timer, Temperature Regulator, and Humidity Monitor
One Dozen (12) Fertile Hatching Eggs (choice of Chicken, Duck or Quail)
Egg Candler
Chick Feeder with 1-week of Organic NON-GMO Amish Grown Feed
Chick Waterer
Heat Lamp or Heat Plate
Clear Tote Brooder with 1-week of Pine Shaving Bedding
Hatching Quick Reference Instruction Sheet
PDF Chick Hatching Guide provided via email
Lucky 7/7/7 Chicken Tender: Experienced Chicken Tender to answer questions and provide hatching guidance - Available 7-days a week from 7 am - 7 pm via phone call or email
Optional Tag-alongs:
Extra dozen (12) Fertile Hatching Eggs: $25
Delivery and Pickup (within 50 miles of Tracy’s Landing, MD 20779) @ $0.50/mile round trip
Chicken Tender Package Setup (requires Delivery and Pickup Tag-along): $25
The Little Peeps Chick Hatching Package includes the following for a 5-week rental term:
Premium IncuView Clear-top Incubator with Countdown Hatch Timer, Temperature Regulator, and Humidity Monitor
One Dozen (12) Fertile Hatching Eggs (choice of Chicken, Duck or Quail)
Egg Candler
Chick Feeder with 1-week of Organic NON-GMO Amish Grown Feed
Chick Waterer
Heat Lamp or Heat Plate
Clear Tote Brooder with 1-week of Pine Shaving Bedding
Hatching Quick Reference Instruction Sheet
PDF Chick Hatching Guide provided via email
Lucky 7/7/7 Chicken Tender: Experienced Chicken Tender to answer questions and provide hatching guidance - Available 7-days a week from 7 am - 7 pm via phone call or email
Optional Tag-alongs:
Extra dozen (12) Fertile Hatching Eggs: $25
Delivery and Pickup (within 50 miles of Tracy’s Landing, MD 20779) @ $0.50/mile round trip
Chicken Tender Package Setup (requires Delivery and Pickup Tag-along): $25
The Little Peeps Chick Hatching Package includes the following for a 5-week rental term:
Premium IncuView Clear-top Incubator with Countdown Hatch Timer, Temperature Regulator, and Humidity Monitor
One Dozen (12) Fertile Hatching Eggs (choice of Chicken, Duck or Quail)
Egg Candler
Chick Feeder with 1-week of Organic NON-GMO Amish Grown Feed
Chick Waterer
Heat Lamp or Heat Plate
Clear Tote Brooder with 1-week of Pine Shaving Bedding
Hatching Quick Reference Instruction Sheet
PDF Chick Hatching Guide provided via email
Lucky 7/7/7 Chicken Tender: Experienced Chicken Tender to answer questions and provide hatching guidance - Available 7-days a week from 7 am - 7 pm via phone call or email
Optional Tag-alongs:
Extra dozen (12) Fertile Hatching Eggs: $25
Delivery and Pickup (within 50 miles of Tracy’s Landing, MD 20779) @ $0.50/mile round trip
Chicken Tender Package Setup (requires Delivery and Pickup Tag-along): $25